09 November 2011


"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust God; trust also in me." John 14:1

I will admit that I have in more ways than one been putting off this blog post, because it requires an analysis of what has happened over the past two weeks.
Let me just say that I will not go into detail about the accident itself, other than to proclaim the positives that are so readily flowing out of it. 
First we are humbled. We are thankful. Thankful to be alive and well. Thankful to have a God that loves us enough to save us, physically and spiritually. Thankful for His mercy, and His grace, and His promise of life everlasting. 
I will tell you that during the accident I was fully aware of everything that was happening, and I remember thinking, we're going to die. This is it. Im not ready! I dont want to die! God please save us!  The scary truth is that we are here as missionaries to these people, proclaiming the good news. We are in service for His kingdom. . . and I wasnt ready to stand before Him that Monday afternoon. Even now admitting this to you my hands are trembling at the thought of what so easily could have been. But at the same time, we are strong because, all facts considered, we should have died that day but we didn't. There was nothing we could have done to save ourselves. There is nothing that says, it was probable that we came out fine the way that we did; the only explanation that I can exclaim to you is that HE SAVED US.
We like to imagine it as if his hands were around our tiny tin car. Carefully placing us in safety. 
There are so many ways in which I know He was with us. For me, I can tell you that I was speaking perfect Italian in the ambulance and the hospital. I was understanding everything that was happening and being said to me.. . We were able to have this strength and calmness ...and it wasnt because of any ability that we ourselves had stored away, it was in fact just the opposite. During all of this, I realized just how powerless I am (humanly speaking), but because He was with me every step, it was His strength that was moving through me.
The event has been etched into our minds. One half of me is trying to forget it, but the other half is keeping it always in front of my eyes... we are trying to forget the terror we felt..., but the strength and the joy that He has provided us (which outweighs all of the trauma) I am keeping in the front of my mind. We've witnessed a miracle! Who wants to forget that? There is so much peace that has came from this happening, I dare to say we count it as a blessing.

Thank you, everyone, so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! We have been thinking about all of you and this has been such an encouragement to us! My stitches are healing quickly and we are easing back into life here in Taranto :) Keep us and the work here in Taranto in your prayers. vi vogliamo bene!

1 comment:

  1. Your story is inspiring Jess and I am glad that both you and Eric are safe so that you can continue your mission. My prayers are with you tonight!
