19 January 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Welcome to Taranto!

We love Taranto.

I don't know when this moment happened exactly, but somewhere along the way, we have fallen for this city and its people. Taranto- how we have grown to love you. You are not pretty to gaze upon, nor are you a refreshing cool breeze. You have so many difficulties piled all around you, but somehow, we feel connected to you in a way we have never experienced before.

This time when we returned to the states, it was obviously wonderful to get to squeeze my moma!! and spend time with all of our family and friends . . .  and puppies :) However I can also be truthful in saying that I also felt kind of misplaced...a little off beat in some ways.

It wasnt really until this past week since returning back to Taranto that I realized that in more ways than expected, this has become our new "normal". Against all odds, everything that has come up against us since moving here, rather than pushing us away, has instead drawn us nearer and captured our hearts. Our love has grown so much for these people and we truly appreciate the strength that they have to find joy here in this city. It is a beautiful thing that we are forever grateful to have had the opportunity to witness.

ok before I get to America I wanted to include a couple snapshots of our Taranto Thanksgiving!

Angela, me, and Andrea

It was SO nice of Angela and Andrea to come down and help us! Those girls peeled potatoes from sun up to sun down, literally. Poor Andrea didnt even get to see Taranto! I really dont know what we would have done without them! 

Federica's mom, Federica, Franceso, and Loredana

Federica is our new Italian tutor/friend. She is in her last year of high school and is pretty much fluent in English. If you have been reading the blog for awhile, you will rememer my friend/student Clizia from Florence. Federica reminds me a lot of Clizia. I cant help but think that God sent her our way as a sweet blessing :) Francesco and Loredana are our friends from Grottaglia. It was really great to get to see them also!

Luca, Antonella, Federica, and Francesco

Some of Taranto students! Luca is our student who is a lawyer. He has been so great to help us with all of the legal aspects of the car accident.

Monica, Carmela, me, and Zia Tina.

All in all Thanksgiving went great. The two turkeys were cooked all the way through- both came out nice and tender-the mashed potatoes were great and so were the desserts. (We made apple, pecan, and  pumpkin pies.) Almost all of the church members were able to come, plus some of our friends and students! We really couldn't have asked for a better day :)

Before we left for America, Laura and I set up the Ricciardi family Christmas tree. . 

 . . . while celebrating her dad Enzo's birthday!

Laura, Luanna, and Samanta. . . The girls and I studied about the fruits of the spirit!

As of the past few months, Luanna and Samanta have been coming pretty regularly to our Bible studies on Friday eveings. This past Sunday, they even made it to sunday morning worship! This is such an encouragement to me, and I am happy that Laura has someone else in class with her as well. They are all doing really good with our lessons and memory verses each week. I guess I have to admit I am pretty proud of them. :) I bought a couple little "devo" books for girls their ages while in the states and I am excited to translate these and send them home with the girls each week. If they complete the activity and reading, they earn another star on our Star chart in the room. So far this "system" is working pretty good. We also are extremely thankful and excited to receive the new curriculum that West Side has purchased for us to use!!! We can't wait to get it in the mail and to start using it!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please continue to pray for these young girls that they can understand all of the love God has for them and that they will decide to follow Him. 

We also went and supported Laura at her jazz dance competition!

Carmela and me

Zia Tina, me, another of Carmela's aunts, Carmela, and Laura

Just days before departure, we visited and had our first of the month lunch date together!

Mino, Marco, Andrea, Fabrizio, Luca, Eric, and Pier Francesco

Also, just before leaving we had our first youth devotional at our apartment. If you heard Eric speak while we were in for the Holidays, this is the one he was referring to. It went SO GREAT! 5 out of 6 of the teens boys came, as well as little Laura, Mino from Latiano, and our Italian tutor/friend Federica! There are too many things to list about this for which we are so thankful and so excited! It feels like the wheels are finally rolling, not just inching along but rolling! :) Please continue to keep these youth in your prayers as well! We plan on having at least one of these devotionals per month. We cant wait until the next one. . 

Ahhhh...... AMERICA!

What an absolutely wonderful feeling to be home for the holidays this year!

CAUTION From here down I will be talking about our trip home to America. Much of what is written below describes how thankful we are for our friends and family back home. I'm aware that not everyone wants to read all of these details, so I am telling you up front, feel free to scroll through and just look at the photos! :) There are many things that I include in this blog just for personal reasons, many times just to remember how we felt in certain moments or about certain people. Memories we will cherish. Anyways, feel free to skim some of this blog post and enjoy the photos! Just make sure not to miss our note to all of you below- (I made it in red.) 

Is this what you would call relaxing???

As most of you already know, our schedule was a little bit packed in the beginning. The first weekend that we arrived, we drove down to my home town of Danville West Virginia. We had planned to spend the first two weeks of our stay visiting all of the churches that support us. In West Virginia we have one in RockCreek and another in Danville. 

Mandie, Aunt Penny, Eric, Carlie and Katie (Mandie's sisters- my younger cousins), and mom

We came and stayed Saturday and Sunday evening in Charleston with my cousin Mandie, her husband Jon, and their newborn Baylie! I hadn't realized it, but this was my first time back in West Virginia since before Eric and I were married over 5 and 1/2 years ago now! Meaning, I haven't seen Katie since she was about 6 years old. I remember rocking her to sleep as a baby! crazy. It was good to remember some things from from the small town I grew up in and even better to see my family. 

Jon and baby Baylie

Opening gifts :) 

If you look closely you can see Carlie with her rain stick that she wanted for Christmas! I have to admit it was pretty neat!

Me and Eric, Wayne and Sandra, Mom and Dad, and Aunt Penny

Eric's first of 4 presentations was Sunday morning at RockCreek! Our family goes way back with Wayne and Sandra. They are life long friends of my parents, and growing up we always went to Myrtle Beach together. It was really great to see them and cut up together like old times.

Carlie and Katie inside their Bumper Balls!

Afterwards, Carlie and Katie tried out one of their favorite gifts from mom and dad- their body bumper balls! No one had ever heard of these things, but I think Carlie had seen them on TV? I'm not sure, but no worries, mom found them! It was hilarious to watch the girls run and bump into each other with these things!

That evening Eric spoke for his second time at Danville COC where I grew up as a little girl. The congregation there was so welcoming and loving. We are very much appreciative of their support to this ministry here in Taranto!

Aunt Pen, me, and mom

After church service, on our last night, we went and visited again with Aunt P at her new apartment! She had made home made cheesecake that was to die for. Honestly, I've never tasted anything this good! Thanks again Aunt P! After enjoying our cheese cake, we did some crocheting while watching some really old home videos of my great Aunt Arnie, that Aunt P had helped her to transfer to a DVD. It was really neat to see everyone so young and full of life. There wasn't any sound, but to see the way they lived back then, even their clothes... it was really cool. I had such a wonderful time that night being with my family. love you!

Dad and Gene 
(Even though they really aren't, Hannie and I like to pretend that Gene and his wife Donnie are our grandparents! love you guys! )

After returning from WV, we had only a few days before we would fly out to Arkansas to visit some there, and so we decided to have our fund raiser at mom and dad's house somewhere in between these days. We are so fortunate to have had so many people who came and supported us that night. We couldn't do this work without all of you! Thank you!!

me and my high school friend Donna

YOU MADE THE BLOG! :) It was so wonderful to see you! Thank you for you support and love as a friend. We had such a great time visiting and playing Euchre with you and Nick :) We're looking forward to seeing you in September!!

Ida, mom, Donnie, and Stephanie

The scarves look great ladies! 

Starbucks with my sis!

Before we knew it we were off to Arkansas! Finally time to see my sissy!! She even surprised me by picking me up at the airport with one of my best friends from college Jessica Rutledge (now Sasak). I was so happy to see her that I didn't even stop to think about taking a picture!! :( She looked so radiantly happy, it really lifted my spirits to see her and to remember what a wonderful blessing she has been in my life. Love you Jess! 

Lisa and her scarf I made her! :)

If you remember.....before we left for Italy, we had a two week training program in Searcy. Eric and I stayed with my mom's childhood friend from WV Lisa and her family. We got to know them so well over that time, that we couldnt wait to see them and catch up this time! It was so fun to spend the week together. Eric and I feel so blessed to have so many "families" all over the world because of Avanti Italia! Thank you Lisa for being such a support and blessing in my life. I will always think of you as we strive to "transfer the life" here in Italy. Love you! 

Andrew, Eric, me, and Deedee

Our first night in Searcy we got to see even more of our close friends! Standing there looking at Deedee I couldnt believe that over a year had passed sinced we said goodbye! She looked absolutely amazing and so beautiful. Since we left she has completed her PA program and is now working in Orthopedics as well as in the emergency room! Way to go Deeds! I knew you could do it! You are amazing!!! I am so incredibly blessed by her friendship. She makes me wish Taranto and Searcy were a lot closer together! I miss you my dear friend.

Our Highway heart group family!

Beth had facebooked me before we left Taranto and told me that she had this idea to get everyone from our heart group together to see each other while we were in Arkansas! My sweet friend Lindsay even drove all the way from Van Buren to be there with us! It was such a comforting feeling to return to this type of support and love!! 

The following eveing Eric spoke at Cabot COC, which I would call our home church. It was the first church that we really felt connected to as a whole, not just with a small group of friends that we found there, but with the church as a body. Stepping through the doors, again, it felt as if no time had passed. We saw all of the same smiling faces and were encouraged by the same loving people. Again, another "family" that we are so blessed to have and be a part of. Eric spoke that Wednesday night in the auditorium and he did a fantastic job. Again, we were so happy just to be there and to see everyone, that I didnt take any pictures! :( This is my only regret. 

After church we were delighted when Charlie and Barbara asked us to go and get an ice cream together at Mc Donalds. We have really missed them so much and it was such a treat to get to spend some quality time together with them. What a fresh breath of air they are to us. We love you guys!

Throughout the week we were happy to get to visit with the missions committee of West Side at the Allen's home. Another sweet encounter was getting invited to the Woodroofs for dinner. Eric always enjoys talking to Jim so much, I know this was a highlight of his trip. It was great to hug them and see them face to face- especially since this time it was in America :) That Sunday morning we attended West Side COC and Sunday evening we went to Highway with Mike and Lisa.

Thank you to all of you who support this work in Italy. Whether it be with prayers, love, by monetary means, THANK YOU. Thank you for allowing us to be useful in this service for the kingdom. Thank you for your encouragement and love that gives us strength everyday while we are here in Taranto.
 May God bless each of you for your willingness to believe in this work and your help that makes it grow. We love all of you so very much.

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints." Philemon 1:7

Before we knew it, it was time to return to Ohio for our remaining time in the states!

Marie and me 

Of course one of the things we did while in the states was. . .  
to squeeze our baby girls!!!  

Me and Hannie

Hannie is 5 years younger than me and is currently in the second semester of her sophmore year at Harding. It was really fun for me to get to see her with all of her friends at school. This time, I really saw many of the ways that she is growing up. Its crazy to think that she will soon be out of college...and then I guess I will have to admit that she is a grown up?! not just my little sister?! Im so proud of the young Christian woman she is becoming, and thankful that she is my sister! The gift of a sister is something that one can't explain...other than to say that it is a life long gift of complete love and understanding. We are different in so many ways, but yet, we are the same . . .
simply because we are sisters.

[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)                                                          
 i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Sisters enjoying some light holiday shopping?? YES! 

Hannie, me, and Moma 

I can't remember where we were going here, but if you'll look closely. . . . 
 Minnie is all buckled up and ready to go!

Meet Gracie. Over Christmas break Hannie helped out some of our family's friends by watching their 3 dogs for a couple of days! One of which is Gracie. I was definitley frightened at first, but she really thinks that she is just a little lap dog! I had to watch out though because when she would get excited and start swinging her tail back and forth it didn't feel so great when you got hit! haha. I'm excited to go and see her the next time we come home :)

While I enjoyed some fun girlie activities, Eric enjoyed and Ohio State B-ball game with his dad!! 
Thanks again mom for finding the tickets!

Merry Christmas!
Love- Eric, Jessica, Marie, and Minnie

Take 2

this one might be my favorite. . . 

Christmas Eve is always spent at the Smiths house in Lancaster! All of the grand kids are about to search for the stockings with grandpaw!

The Girls
Ashley, me, Christi, Stephanie, and Angie

The Smith's
Stephanie, Eric, Steve, Nate, and Angie

Eric and his mom and dad
Love this picture :)

Grant, Trenton, Kilynn, and Taylor
Cant forget about the kiddos!!

Me and Eric
We had a lovely time with Eric's family. We always enjoy when we can all be together at the same time! It really does make us miss home! 

The girls went CRAZY for their Christmas toys!

Eric, Hannie and me Christmas morning :)


Mom and Aunt P
Aunt Penny came for Christmas too! 

I love when I catch Marie doing this. .. too cute!

Board Games anyone?

Aunt P learning to play Clue!

Dad, me, and Marie.

Nice glasses Dad :)

Yes, you saw right. Marie likes to stay snuggled up like this when we play board games! haha.

Eric and our girls in their holiday sweaters!

Eric, Stephanie, Taylor, Kilynn, and me
One night after Christmas we met up with Stephanie and the kids for Genjis!

Hannie, Taylor, Kilynn, Minnie and Marie
Naturally the girls spent the night with me and Hannah at my parents house, while Eric took the boys for a sleepover at his sister Stephanie's house. After Genjis we came back and made bracelets, drank hot chocolate, and watched Mr. Popper's Penguins- which btw was so cute!

The next morning, we got up and made sugar cookies!

It was really great to get to spend time with my nieces!

 . . . Just some pictures of the girls :) . . . 




Minnie and Marie enjoying the sun on a cold winter's day.

Eric and me with our last Starbucks in the Charlotte Airport in NC.

We had such a wonderful trip home . We really could not have asked for anything more special. Thank you again to all of our family and friends back home who are praying for us and supporting us here in Taranto. We love you all so very much!  xoxoxoxox

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