13 October 2010

Medici Italian

If you were wondering.... we have now entered into the second month of language school at Lorenzo di Midici! At the end of September, we had to take a big "final exam" over everything we had learned last month in class. It was a three pg written test, accompainied by a short (individual) oral conversation "test" with our teacher. Now not only can we say simple things- such as our name, job, likes/dislikes, adjectives, but towards the end of September we also learned how to speak in the past tense. 

Once our first month was completed, we moved classrooms, lost Enzo as a teacher =(,  and moved to the main school building around the corner. I enjoy our new class alot. We all feel a little more at ease and our confidence is growing with the language. Besides that, the space itself is larger and it helps that there are a couple windows. 

We still have Michela in the mornings but after our caffe break, we have a new teacher- Simona. Simona is wonderful. I enjoy her class very much. After her class, I always feel that I have learned alot- and learned it well. And, bonus, we are so busy soaking up everything she has to say, that the time flies by, and soon enough it is time to torno a casa to pranziamo (eat lunch) with Rosa! 

Simona also is good about making learning Italian practical. She encourages us to speak and practice together in class, and I am very grateful for this fact. Almost every day we do some type of activity. It just so happened, last thursday that I had my camera with me (because afterwards we had another school "field trip"-this time to Santa Maria Novella) and I was able to snap some shots and film one of our fun activites. Check it out =) 

In each group we had to pretend that we were in a shop. In my group I was the comessa/sales woman and Eric and Haun came in to buy something from my Negotzo Elegante (like a tux shop).

This was Ryan, Laura, and Salomon's group. They were in a shoe store.

Lastly, was Anne Marie, Angela, and Andrea. They were in a general clothing store- 
Angela was the comessa. 

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