26 November 2010

christmas, rain, the mayor, and pancakes

wow...almost a month since my last post! since the first week of November, we hit the ground running. So what has been going on at the Bible School???

Today was our last day of Language school! Its hard to believe that we have finished 3 months of school. I am finally begining to feel more confident with the language. Almost always, I can understand what the italians are saying (most-likely because they are using small words ;) ha!) and for the most part can respond adequatley. However, its funny, the longer we were in school, the more I realized what I had left to learn! ha! Anyways, We really enjoy learning and it feels great to be able to communicate better with our italian friends.

Today I saw the Christmas tree in Piazza del duomo- amazing!
 I read in the newspaper the lights will be on around December 4th....

What else? I have discovered the best friend of Firenze in winter, is rain. It rains almost every day. Needless to say we quickly purchased some rain boots and umbrellas! As funny as it sounds, I actually kind of like it. Every morning on the way to school and back home, the glistening of the rain on the streets and the shimmering off the buildings at night is beautiful.  Besides the rain, this is the first week I have really noticed the cold weather. In the mean time, Laura has been making all of us amazing scarfs to keep us warm=) Wool is very cheap here in the markets and its something fun us girls can do together. 

and......Guess who has been coming for lunch?? ......the mayor of Scandicci-Simone! He is begining english classes with David, and decided he wanted to join us for lunch as well! The first time Debbie fixed pot roast and the next week, he enjoyed an American breakfast with us-complete us bacon, gravey, biscuts, and pancakes. He was very confused about the pancakes and most cetainly did not like them with peanut butter. ha. Also, its important to know, it is significant that Simone choose the Bible school to come and study here with us. There are many options for this in Florence, so the fact that he chose to come here is definitley encouraging. This month he will actually be visiting the states. First to Ohio where his uncle lives (talk about a small world) and after to Harding University! Be watching for him the first week in chapel!

This is the "Amerian Diner," a restaurant Eric and I found about a month ago when we were on our way back from Santa Croce. It was such a treat. They had all sorts of "American" cuisine- hamburgers, pancakes, milk shakes, bacon, french fries, and more. 

My stack of blueberry pancakes...yum =)

Also, this past week Laura, Emily, and I went again to help Elizabeth Watley (the director of the Pepperdine University in Florence). After school last Tuesday we went to the campus in Florence and after about 5 hrs, prepared almost 40 pies for their Thanksgiving dinner!! Laura and I pealed over 60 apples! It was fun and we got to visit with Elizabeth and the Pepperdine students. The next day, all nine of us went to the Questura to pick up our promesso di soggiornos! We are now official residents of Italia!

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