09 October 2010

Elizabeth Watley

Before we discuss Miss Elizabeth, we have to talk about little Miss Zoe! It is offical, the Bible school is the new home to our precious little Zoe! Emily has been trying to find a puppy since before eric and I first got here over a month ago now (over a month! can you believe it??). Anyways, getting a puppy around here is a big process. First one has to apply to be in the "adoption agency" to even be "considered to adopt" a  pet. Next, after one fills out all the necessary papers etc, the agency comes to "interview" the inquiring owner!! They come to your house and inspect the living conditions and the person wanting the pet themselves. After all of this, one also has to agree ( sign papers) to have amicro chip put into the new pet. This is a law here in Italy. At first I was taken aback by all of this, but the more I think about it- its probably a good thing. Anyways, after all of this, we finally received sweet little Zoe all the way from ROma last Saturday! She has been so nice to have in the house; she shines a little light on  everyone's day =)

Ok, moving onto Elizabeth. Elizabeth Watley is the director of the Pepperdine program in Italy. She has been working and living here fo 13 yrs now. In 200 she purchased an old run down home way out in the forrest outskirts of Flornce. Actually, the property itself is old Medici hunting grounds. Since 2000, she has completely re-furnished everything inside and about and around the house and property. However, she is still in the process of completely many projects. 

Last Saturday Elizabeth requested 3 workers from our team to come and help clean up the yard. Angela, Laura, and I volenteered. We arrived at 9 am, took a lunch break from 12:30- 1:30, and finished work at 5 p. Angela and I were intstructed to clean the grounds of ALL rocks and debris. Obviously, I did not take my camera with me on Saturday bc we were working. however the following afternoon after church, Elizabeth invited us all back for a wonderfully massive cookout (pitcures following). Anyways, it was Sunday that I took the abouve and below picture of what we had accomplished Saturday. This small rectangle was my home from 9- 12:30. All  of the rocks were gone by the time I finished. I didnt get a picture of Angela's section- but her's was nicely clean as well. After lunch, we scanned the rest of the property only for really big rocks and wheel-barrelled them back and forth. At the end of the day, we had rid the yard of some 20 trashbags full of rocks and debris! It was a hard day of physical labor, but the clean end result was quite rewarding. And on another note, Angela and I bonded over picking up rocks =)

This is the "holler" where Laura worked all day. The story behind this is interesting to say the least. The famile that lived in the house beofre Elizabeth used this holler basically as a land fill. For over 40 years, they tossed all of their trash over this hill. no im not kidding. Anyways, so Laura's job for the day was to pick up all sorts of random 40 yr old trash. She did an excellent job- and got rid of many boxes full of trash.

This is Elizabeth's house.

Allora, Saturday we worked, and sunday we ate. Elizabeth invited the entire Avanti team over for a very generous and scrumptous feast. She also invited many of her close itaian friends and nieghbors. Apparently the way we ate on sunday is a traditional italian meal- a 7 course meal! The food just kept coming and coming- and we kept the speed and ate what was placed before us- happily. =) I took pictures of each food served for you to enjoy as well =)

Some of the italians playing a game at Elizabeth's.

The AI 2010 girls.

After lunch, some of Elizabeth's friends invited us over to their house. 

They were very sweet to us, and their home was beautiful.

While we talked with the ladies, the boys played a real italian game of "football."

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