17 October 2010

monday, tuesday, wednesday...

wow. It is impossible to explain how busy we are here at the bible school. Weeks fly by and before i know it the weekend is here again and I have too many things to mention and not enough time to tell about them adequatley. On the same note, I want you all to know how geniunely grateful we are to be here in His service.  Everyday I can see God's hand at work and it is truly inspiring.

There are days that I am hyper sensitively aware of where we are and the opportunities that are in front of us on a daily basis. I just want to thank you so much, everyone, for your support and love. Please continue to pray that we will be good stewards of the blessings and opportunities God is giving us.

ok. classes. i wanted to fill you in on some details about my studies. My students are the highlight of my week. As i have told you before- I have four students, all women, and a range of ages. I feel so blessed because they are all so excited to come! Each of them are so happy to visit and study. RIght now we are going through a study composed by a man named Andy Miller.  Each week I meet with each of my 4 students individually for one hour. On Monday right beofre Women's bible study I meet with Monica at 5oclock. Tues at 9 is Valentina, and wednesday i have two lessons back to back; Renata at 5 and Clizia at 6. Actually the picture above is a clay sculpture of the David's eye that Clizia made for me as a gift! I LOVE it so much! 

OK, During my lessons, I break the hour into half. The first half we focus specifically on our English lesson( I vary this according to each individual student. One student may need pronunciation practice; whereas another would prefer learning imperfect or just more verbs in general. While still others may need mostly practice reading, vocab, or conversation practice. Also my students are very different. For example, Clizia is an artist so sometimes we read art articles to learn new vocab and to practice her english for the first half hour. Whereas Valentina is in Pharmacy School and loves biology and science in general. So Valentina and i are in reading and discussing Don England's (he was one of the men at training in Arkansas. He is a retired Harding Chemistry professor) book Faith and Evidences  to practice her English before our Bible study.) After this, we begin our Bible study for the week. The Andy Miller study is very helpful because it has specific topics accompained with specific verses that we read in the Bible and dicuss together each week. Its so encouraging to me to see how interested each one is in learning and understanding. It is obvious to me that God is at work in each of their lives. I am so happy and thankful to have the friendship of these women. Classes are going great. 

This upcoming Friday actually we are having an English movie night at the Bible School for our students to attend. We are making some snacks and planning on watching Monster's Inc. (its an animated kids movie). hopefully most of our students will be able to make it- look for the post to come soon after Friday  =)

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